Under the southern Italian sun, there's a 33-year-old man named Gelsomino. He's not just a professional photographer but also an avid outdoor enthusiast. For Gelsomino, photography is his profession and his passion, while the mountains hold a special place in his heart. As he puts it, "My work is my passion but I have another love: the mountains!" Whenever he gets the chance, he heads for the hills, be it for trekking, camping, or bushcraft. In this vast natural playground, he has successfully merged his two great loves - photography and mountains - creating a unique and exciting life journey.
Photography: An Inseparable Companion
For Gelsomino, photography isn't just a profession; it's an integral part of his life. He has been a professional photographer for ten years, and the allure of photography has never faded:
"Photography has always been with me, it's the only thing that makes me feel fulfilled. I always bring my camera on every adventure. If I don't bring it, it feels like I haven't really gone on that trip or hike. For me, photography is an essential part of every experience."
This love for photography allows Gelsomino to capture the fleeting beauty of nature through his unique perspective, eternally preserving the majesty of the wilderness.

A Memorable Mountain Experience
Although Gelsomino has enjoyed outdoor activities since childhood, his truly unforgettable outdoor experience occurred in 2020. This experience became a significant milestone in his outdoor adventure journey. He recalls:
"My first memorable experience was conquering my first mountain peak! It was in 2020, at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A friend and I decided to climb to the top of a mountain. The excitement of the conquest and the effort it took to achieve it became the reason I decided to continue doing it, more often and better prepared."
This climbing experience gave Gelsomino a sense of achievement in conquering the peak and ignited his passion for further exploring the outdoor world. It became a crucial starting point in his outdoor adventure career, motivating him to engage more actively in outdoor activities.
Nature’s Influence on a Photographer’s Vision
Gelsomino's photographic vision is deeply shaped by both his outdoor adventures and his diverse travel experiences. His curiosity and exploration fuel his creativity, as he explains, "I can say that my photographic eye is based on my experiences and the world I've seen. What has contributed most to my professional path are my travels and my curiosity."
This constant drive to explore new places and perspectives keeps his work fresh and unique.
Among all the wonders of nature, Gelsomino has a particular fondness for trees. Perhaps it's their timeless vitality or their ever-changing beauty throughout the seasons that captivates him. Whatever the reason, this love for trees adds a distinctive charm to his photography, reflecting the deep connection he feels with the natural world.

The Morocco Trip: Opening Up a New World
Among his many travel experiences, the trip to Morocco left a deep impression on Gelsomino. This journey not only allowed him to appreciate different natural landscapes but also gave him a deeper understanding of local culture and lifestyle:
"An experience that showed me a whole new world was my trip to Morocco. There, I saw firsthand how people live in the hinterland, discovering realities I had never experienced before."
This trip broadened Gelsomino's horizons and infused his photography with new cultural elements and a humanistic perspective.

Safety Awareness: The Cornerstone of Outdoor Adventures
As an experienced outdoor enthusiast, Gelsomino is well aware of the importance of safety. He emphasizes:
"I think outdoor enthusiasts must have basic first aid and emergency preparedness skills before setting out! We often don't realize that anything can happen when we're out there, so being prepared is essential!"
To ensure safety, Gelsomino takes some precautionary measures before each trip:
"Before leaving, I always tell family or friends where I'm going. Sometimes there might not be cell phone signal, so it's important that someone knows our destination."

When it comes to first aid equipment, Gelsomino specifically mentions the Rhino Rescue product: "My first aid kit is always with me! Ever since I discovered Rhino Rescue, I've always carried it! It's comprehensive and has everything that might be needed. I love bushcraft, so I often play with knives, axes, and thick branches. With the Rhino Rescue kit, I feel secure."
While Gelsomino has fortunately avoided any major accidents, Rhino Rescue proved its value during a minor incident: "Once I lost control of my knife and got a small wound on my thumb. Thanks to Rhino Rescue, I was able to stop the bleeding immediately." For him, the kit isn't just a backup; it's a trusted companion that brings peace of mind on every adventure.
Future Outlook
When talking about the future, Gelsomino expresses satisfaction and gratitude for his current life. Although he has many dreams he'd like to realize, his most recent wish is quite modest: "In the near future, I'd like to have my own house in the mountains."
This wish not only reflects his love for mountain life but also shows his expectations and plans for the future.
Gelsomino's story is an example of perfectly combining passion with profession. He captures the beauty of the wilderness with his camera, measures the vastness of the earth with his footsteps, and feels the pulse of nature with his heart. In the interweaving of photography and outdoor adventures, he has found his life's meaning and source of happiness. As he says, "When I'm in nature, I feel at peace and feel I don't need anything else." This might be Gelsomino's life philosophy, and it's also the attitude towards life that he wants to convey to us through his lens and words.